Lincoln College at Trinity Christian
@ De Vos Gymnasium
1/30/2020 at 7:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Lincoln College (0-6, 0-0) 20 18 20 0
Trinity Christian (3-4, 0-1) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  TRINITY starters: Jake Ostema; Mark Hernandez; Bart van der Mark; Jon Poortinga; Danny Lawrence; Djordje Novakovic.  
  LINCOLN starters: Miguel Garcia; Kenneth Koster; William Moore; Tony Harold; Jamal Singleton; Jonathan Lindner.  
1-0 [Miguel Garcia] Attack error by Jon Poortinga (block by Kenneth Koster; William Moore). Point LINCOLN
[Miguel Garcia] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 1-1
[Danny Lawrence] Attack error by Kenneth Koster. Point TRINITY 1-2
2-2 [Danny Lawrence] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 2-3
[Djordje Novakovic] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 2-4
3-4 [Djordje Novakovic] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Jon Poortinga (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 3-5
[Jon Poortinga] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 3-6
[Jon Poortinga] Kill by Bart van der Mark (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 3-7
  Timeout Lincoln College.  
4-7 [Jon Poortinga] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Trenton Kielion). Point LINCOLN
[Tony Harold] Attack error by Jonathan Lindner (block by Jake Ostema; Mark Hernandez). Point TRINITY 4-8
5-8 [Mark Hernandez] Attack error by Bart van der Mark. Point LINCOLN
[Jonathan Lindner] Service error. Point TRINITY 5-9
6-9 [Bart van der Mark] Kill by Kenneth Koster (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
7-9 [Trenton Kielion] Attack error by Djordje Novakovic. Point LINCOLN
[Trenton Kielion] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 7-10
8-10 [Jake Ostema] Attack error by Djordje Novakovic. Point LINCOLN
  LINCOLN subs: Jamere Jackson.  
9-10 [Miguel Garcia] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Miguel Garcia] Service error. Point TRINITY 9-11
10-11 [Danny Lawrence] Attack error by Mark Hernandez. Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Jon Poortinga. Point TRINITY 10-12
[Djordje Novakovic] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 10-13
11-13 [Djordje Novakovic] Kill by Miguel Garcia (from Kenneth Koster). Point LINCOLN
12-13 [William Moore] Attack error by Bart van der Mark. Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 12-14
[Jon Poortinga] Service ace (Jonathan Lindner). Point TRINITY 12-15
13-15 [Jon Poortinga] Kill by Jamal Singleton (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Jamere Jackson] Service error. Point TRINITY 13-16
[Mark Hernandez] Kill by Danny Lawrence (from Adam Becker). Point TRINITY 13-17
14-17 [Mark Hernandez] Kill by Jamal Singleton (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Jonathan Lindner] Service error. Point TRINITY 14-18
  Timeout Lincoln College.  
[Bart van der Mark] Service ace (Jonathan Lindner). Point TRINITY 14-19
[Bart van der Mark] Kill by Jake Ostema (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 14-20
[Bart van der Mark] Kill by Jake Ostema (from Danny Lawrence), block error by Jamal Singleton. Point TRINITY 14-21
15-21 [Bart van der Mark] Kill by Kenneth Koster (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
16-21 [Trenton Kielion] Service ace (Bart van der Mark). Point LINCOLN
[Trenton Kielion] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 16-22
17-22 [Jake Ostema] Service error. Point LINCOLN
18-22 [Miguel Garcia] Attack error by Djordje Novakovic (block by William Moore; Jamere Jackson). Point LINCOLN
[Miguel Garcia] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 18-23
19-23 [Danny Lawrence] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Attack error by William Moore. Point TRINITY 19-24
20-24 [Djordje Novakovic] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Bart van der Mark (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 20-25
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  On court for TRINITY: Jake Ostema; Mark Hernandez; Bart van der Mark; Danny Lawrence; Djordje Novakovic; Jon Poortinga.  
  On court for LINCOLN: Miguel Garcia; Kenneth Koster; William Moore; Jamal Singleton; Jamere Jackson; Jonathan Lindner.  
[Danny Lawrence] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 0-1
[Danny Lawrence] Attack error by Jamere Jackson (block by Bart van der Mark; Jon Poortinga). Point TRINITY 0-2
[Danny Lawrence] Attack error by Kenneth Koster (block by Jon Poortinga; Djordje Novakovic). Point TRINITY 0-3
[Danny Lawrence] Kill by Jon Poortinga (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 0-4
  Timeout Lincoln College.  
1-4 [Danny Lawrence] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Jon Poortinga (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 1-5
[Djordje Novakovic] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 1-6
[Djordje Novakovic] Attack error by Miguel Garcia. Point TRINITY 1-7
[Djordje Novakovic] Attack error by Jonathan Lindner (block by Bart van der Mark; Jon Poortinga). Point TRINITY 1-8
2-8 [Djordje Novakovic] Service error. Point LINCOLN
3-8 [William Moore] Attack error by Bart van der Mark (block by Jonathan Lindner). Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 3-9
[Jon Poortinga] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 3-10
4-10 [Jon Poortinga] Attack error by Djordje Novakovic (block by Jamal Singleton; Jonathan Lindner). Point LINCOLN
[Jamere Jackson] Kill by Bart van der Mark (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 4-11
5-11 [Bart van der Mark] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Jonathan Lindner] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 5-12
[Mark Hernandez] Attack error by Jamere Jackson. Point TRINITY 5-13
  TRINITY subs: Isaiah Gifford.  
6-13 [Mark Hernandez] Kill by Kenneth Koster (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Trenton Kielion] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 6-14
7-14 [Adam Becker] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Miguel Garcia] Service error. Point TRINITY 7-15
[Danny Lawrence] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 7-16
8-16 [Danny Lawrence] Kill by Kenneth Koster (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
9-16 [Kenneth Koster] Attack error by Bart van der Mark. Point LINCOLN
10-16 [Kenneth Koster] Attack error by Bart van der Mark. Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 10-17
[Djordje Novakovic] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 10-18
11-18 [Djordje Novakovic] Service error. Point LINCOLN
12-18 [William Moore] Attack error by Bart van der Mark. Point LINCOLN
13-18 [William Moore] Attack error by Mark Hernandez (block by Jamal Singleton). Point LINCOLN
14-18 [William Moore] Kill by Jamal Singleton (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
  Timeout Trinity Christian.  
15-18 [William Moore] Attack error by Jon Poortinga. Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 15-19
[Jon Poortinga] Attack error by Jonathan Lindner (block by Jake Ostema; Bart van der Mark). Point TRINITY 15-20
[Jon Poortinga] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 15-21
16-21 [Jon Poortinga] Service error. Point LINCOLN
17-21 [Jonathan Lindner] Attack error by Bart van der Mark (block by Jamal Singleton; Jonathan Lindner). Point LINCOLN
[Jamere Jackson] Kill by Jake Ostema (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 17-22
[Bart van der Mark] Kill by Jake Ostema (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 17-23
[Bart van der Mark] Attack error by Jonathan Lindner. Point TRINITY 17-24
  Timeout Lincoln College.  
18-24 [Bart van der Mark] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Jonathan Lindner] Service error. Point TRINITY 18-25
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  On court for TRINITY: Jake Ostema; Mark Hernandez; Danny Lawrence; Djordje Novakovic; Jon Poortinga; Matthew Butnariu.  
  On court for LINCOLN: Miguel Garcia; Kenneth Koster; William Moore; Jamal Singleton; Jamere Jackson; Jonathan Lindner.  
[Miguel Garcia] Attack error by Kenneth Koster (block by Danny Lawrence; Jon Poortinga). Point TRINITY 0-1
[Danny Lawrence] Service ace (Kenneth Koster). Point TRINITY 0-2
1-2 [Danny Lawrence] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
2-2 [Kenneth Koster] Attack error by Danny Lawrence. Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Matthew Butnariu (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 2-3
3-3 [Djordje Novakovic] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Jon Poortinga (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 3-4
4-4 [Jon Poortinga] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Jamere Jackson] Service error. Point TRINITY 4-5
5-5 [Matthew Butnariu] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Jonathan Lindner] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 5-6
6-6 [Mark Hernandez] Kill by Kenneth Koster (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
7-6 [Trenton Kielion] Attack error by Djordje Novakovic. Point LINCOLN
[Trenton Kielion] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 7-7
[Adam Becker] Bad set by Miguel Garcia. Point TRINITY 7-8
8-8 [Adam Becker] Bad set by Danny Lawrence. Point LINCOLN
[Miguel Garcia] Service error. Point TRINITY 8-9
9-9 [Danny Lawrence] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
10-9 [Kenneth Koster] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Jon Poortinga (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 10-10
11-10 [Djordje Novakovic] Kill by Jamere Jackson (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 11-11
12-11 [Jon Poortinga] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
[Jamere Jackson] Service error. Point TRINITY 12-12
[Matthew Butnariu] Attack error by Jamal Singleton (block by Jake Ostema). Point TRINITY 12-13
[Matthew Butnariu] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 12-14
[Matthew Butnariu] Kill by Danny Lawrence. Point TRINITY 12-15
  Timeout Lincoln College.  
13-15 [Matthew Butnariu] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Jonathan Lindner] Kill by Jake Ostema (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 13-16
[Mark Hernandez] Kill by Djordje Novakovic (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 13-17
[Mark Hernandez] Kill by Jake Ostema (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 13-18
14-18 [Mark Hernandez] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Trenton Kielion] Kill by Mark Hernandez (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 14-19
  TRINITY subs: Danny Kott.  
15-19 [Adam Becker] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
16-19 [Miguel Garcia] Kill by Jonathan Lindner (from Trenton Kielion). Point LINCOLN
[Miguel Garcia] Service error. Point TRINITY 16-20
[Danny Lawrence] Attack error by Kenneth Koster. Point TRINITY 16-21
17-21 [Danny Lawrence] Kill by William Moore (from Miguel Garcia). Point LINCOLN
18-21 [Kenneth Koster] Attack error by Danny Kott. Point LINCOLN
[Kenneth Koster] Kill by Matthew Butnariu (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 18-22
19-22 [Danny Kott] Attack error by Mark Hernandez. Point LINCOLN
[William Moore] Service error. Point TRINITY 19-23
20-23 [Jon Poortinga] Service error. Point LINCOLN
[Jamere Jackson] Kill by Matthew Butnariu (from Danny Lawrence). Point TRINITY 20-24
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